Thursday, 13 June 2019

Learning about responsibility

This week we have been learning about responsibility as part of our focus in the IB unit of inquiry: Communication with others impacts relationships. As we have been learning about teamwork, we decided that explaining why we should all work together at home and at school is important. Many children said they do jobs to help their parents and sisters and brothers at home which is great! 

Ms Yui and I talked about the responsibilities we have in the class such as helping to clean up toys, sitting safely on our chairs, being safe when we are in the school and walking to the park. 
Next week I will be challenging the children to clean up without the teachers helping them as it is their responsibility, not Ms Yui's or mine. 

In math, we have been using our crocodile popsicle sticks to learn about greater than and less than (numbers that are bigger or smaller than another number). We counted all the way up to 100 and have continued practising skip counting in 2s and 5s.

In literacy, we learnt about the long A and I sounds and watched some cute phonics videos. We also revised writing letter B and D. 

On Wednesday we went up to the gym and played Dinosaur Treasure with Mr Ben's class. The children showed great teamwork with Preschool A.

Finally, thank you to all the parents who came to our open day and helped do the watermelon craft!

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