Thursday, 19 September 2019

We are inquirers!

This week is another short but sweet week. We have been busy getting the classroom  for the International Children's Week, decorating the class with Angolan decorations. We learnt that Angola has some very wide waterfalls, the Kalandula and Ruacana Falls. They are 100 and 125m high and 400 and 700m wide! We made a colourful chain of the Angolan colours (red, black, yellow and white) to hang from the ceiling, and the kids finished their animal masks.

The grade 6 students taught the children how to play a traditional Angolan game and Eishi and Juni played each other in a very long game. Eishi was the winner. Then Yuna and Eishi played together against Kuni and Juni and Yuna's team was the winner. 

During library time Ms Yui read a Japanese book and I read a book which fits in perfectly with our Learner Profile of being an 'inquirer'. The book had lots of questions such as, "Why is the sky blue?"

In phonics, I introduced three new sight words: little, where and but. The children also practised writing the letters R and S. We also did more activities where they had to match the picture to a 3 letter word or try to spell the word themselves. 

In Japanese, the children did a dot-to-dot activity where they had to follow the hiragana symbols in order (a, i, u, e, o et cetera) around a shape, which, when finished, became a rhinoceros.

Usually Ms Nozomi teaches music on Wednesday but as she was away, Ms Yui and I taught the lesson. We were lucky to have 2 sunny days so we went to the park too!

As it was Juni and Kuni's birthdays this month, we had a birthday party on Thursday and Rudraksh, Taz and Yuna did their sharing time this week. 


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