Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came on Wednesday for grandparent's day. It was great to have your help making the photo frames which I have sent home today.
This week in phonics we learnt about the long a sound. We watched a video about how to pronounce it using our mouth and doing a cut and paste activity sorting photos of short /a/ and long /a/ images. For example, play, say, train, rain, plate, ate and eight. We had 5 new sight words: did, good, into, four, and out. For handwriting, they practised writing letter q. In maths, we learnt about how to make number bonds with numbers up to 20, such as 15+?=20
We also read the book The Giving Tree which talks about a tree that was very caring to a boy and always gave her leaves, branches, wood and apples to him so he could use them. Sadly, at the end of the story, all that was left of the tree was her stump. The boy was very old by that time and all he wanted to do was sit down and rest. So she let him do that.
In inquiry, we continued to learn about resources and how paper, plastic, glass, aluminium and other items can be recycled. I brought many containers, tissue boxes, toilet rolls and other things from home and the children sorted them into categories.
Mr Ben also showed the children the compost that they made last year in his class and how it has become soil now. So on Thursday we did another sorting activity using pictures to put things into different rubbish categories.

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